App Team Strategy
Vision (WIP)
By the end of this quarter (), the Sourcegraph app will become the Cody app.
By the end of this year, Cody (app + extension) supercharges IDEs like VS Code and becomes the most obvious way for devs to get fast, reliable precise code intelligence at scale, across all their code (both local and remote), with Cody AI workflows to boot.
In the next five years, Cody will replace your IDE entirely.
For more on this vision, see vision: Sourcegraph app becomes the Cody app.
Strategy & plans
The Sourcegraph app becomes the Cody app. The app becomes the companion to the Cody editor extension; this is the first taste of the app becoming a backend for the IDE. In order to make the app the backend for the IDE, we must lay the groundwork described in the following PRFAQs:
The Cody app becomes the backend for the IDE. The app speaks a new SCIP-based protocol to the editor, replacing LSP. The app has solved the problem of connecting the IDE to something that understands both personal code and company code, whether it lives locally or on a Sourcegraph cloud instance. The app supports Cody-specific workflows within the app UI.
The Cody app becomes an obvious level-up for the editor with improved code intelligence: it will run the same indexers locally to incrementally index code as it’s being written. The app’s Cody workflows are so integral to how devs do their work that they start to wonder … Why do I need my IDE at all?