Reporting Links
Dashboard Definitions
NOTE - The session ID is a new cookie parameter (approx beginning of December 2022). Reporting on the session ID is directional until enough time has passed for accurate comparisons to the visitor count over time.
Referrer - The session referrer, the external site that sends the visitor to a sourcegraph site. This could be organic (like a google search) or driven by us (like a linkedin post).
UTM Source - The source is a parameter in the UTM (part of the first session URL) that denotes where the visitor is coming from when a visitor is driven to sourcegraph by us.
UTM Campaign - The campaign is a parameter in the UTM (part of the first session URL) that denotes what campaign the visitor is responding to.
Visitors - Distinct count of visitors to the site over a period of time. Calculated by counting the user id (if authenticated) or the anonymous user id.
Sessions - Distinct count of sessions during a period of time. A session id is assigned through a cookie when a user is either brand new or whose last visit or activity was greater than 30 minutes ago.
Pageviews - The number of distinct URLs that are recorded.
Events - An event is any recorded action in the EventLogger. Including, but not limited to, searches and other product events, page views, hovers, and clicks.
Pageviews/Session - The average number of pageviews per session over a given period of time.
Sessions/Visitor - The average number of sessions per user over a given period of time.
Average Session Length - the average time between the first timestamp and last timestamp in sessions over a given period of time.
New Vs Returning Visitors - A new user is when the session date is equal to the first time seen. And a returning user is everyone else. Note: First time seen is a new metric that we started tracking in December 2022. Users before this time period may not have a first time seen date.
1-Day - the count of users whose last seen date is yesterday.
7-Day - the count of users whose last seen date is in the last 7 days.
14-Day - the count of users whose last seen date is in the last 14 days.
28-Day - the count of users whose last seen date is in the last 28 days.
Tracking Overview
A cookie is information that a website tracks about a visitor. At Sourcegraph, we cookie a visitor by assigning an anonymous user id which stays valid for 365 days. By doing this, we can track visitor behavior over multiple visits to understand how a visitor interacts with our sites. This data is tracked in our EventLogger and loaded into BigQuery for use in Amplitude and Looker.
What data do we track in the Cookie?
Anonymous User ID - an id that is assigned to a visitor at the time the cookie is generated. This id will persist on each subsequent visit for 365 days.
Session ID - an id that is assigned to a session. A session will reset when there has been no activity for 30 minutes.
First Source URL - the first Sourcegraph URL a visitor landed on when the cookie is created.
Last Source URL - the most recent Sourcegraph URL a visitor landed on before converting.
Referrer - The previous website visited (this could include other sourcegraph sites)
Original Referrer - the external website that sends the visitor to a sourcegraph site at the time the cookie is created. This will not change on subsequent visits to our sites.
Session Referrer - the external website that sends the visitor to a sourcegraph site at the time the session id is created. This will change when a new session is started.
First Session URL - the first Sourcegraph URL a visitor landed on when the session is started
UTM parameters are information that is attached to the end of a URL that helps track and measure digital marketing campaigns.
What data do we care about in UTMs today?
UTM Source - is where the visitor is coming from. Could be google, linkedin, etc…
UTM Medium - is the type of campaign. Could be social-paid, social-organic, search-paid, search- organic.
UTM Campaign - is the campaign name
There are other parameters present in UTMs that we create. We will add those when we include them in reporting.