Sourcegraph Paid Parental Leave Policy
Reason for the policy
We support teammates at all stages of life, including during family planning. Providing flexibility and family-friendly policies are essential to cultivating a culture where employees can thrive professionally without sacrificing precious family time. We want to give all new parents the ability to bond with their new child and adjust to their new family dynamic. The below resources are for teammates who are expecting to become, or have recently become, a parent.
Resources for teammates
Paid parental leave policy at Sourcegraph
Sourcegraph ensures eligible Teammates are paid 100% of your salary for up to 16 weeks per birth, and up to 16 weeks for one or multiple adoption or placement event(s) per 12 months, covering the difference between any country or state-sponsored benefits and your full salary. (Teammates must sign up for any country or state-sponsored leave benefits if available. Note: References to fully-paid parental leave in this policy for non-commission based teammates are intended to reference 100% of your base pay. If you are on a commission plan, additional guidance is provided in the Commission Payout and Quota Relief section.
Adoption or Foster-placement leave PTO may be taken before actual placement or adoption of a child for absences related to placement or adoption, in addition to post-placement bonding. For post-placement bonding, we offer a total of 16 weeks per 12 months for adoption(s) or multiple foster-placements.
Leave preceding the birth of the child is available to teammates as PTO, medical leave or statutory maternity benefits (dependent on location) . This is an additional benefit on top of the paid parental leave policy, which ensures up to 16 weeks of paid leave after the birth event. The People Team is available to consult on options for pre-birth and disability leave policies.
Sourcegraph provides leave after pregnancy loss. Contact your People Partner for assistance.
Paid parental leave can be used for the birth, adoption, or foster care placement of a child, within the 12 months immediately following the qualifying event (your child’s birth, adoption finalization, or placement).
You may take more or less than 16 weeks, depending on your needs and preferences, but anything over 16 weeks is not eligible for the paid parental leave policy. (See FAQ for Non-US/statutory variances)
You may take the 16 weeks consecutively, or you may choose to use them non-consecutively (so long as it is within 12 months of your initial parental leave date). If using non-consecutively, you must request leave in blocks of 1-month increments and cannot split this into specified days across partial, non-consecutive weeks. If you need more flexibility taking non-consecutive leave, please reach out to the and go through an approval process to see if the business can accommodate shorter blocks of leave.
If you live in a country where a statutory Parental and/or Birthing Parent/Maternity Leave benefit is available (which may include disability leave for birthing parents), you will be required to claim statutory Parental and/or Birthing Parent/Maternity Leave pay (if you are eligible) and, if such leave is offered at less than full pay, Sourcegraph will supplement any gaps in total unpaid leave for up to 16 weeks. Please see guidance below for International Teammates.
Who is eligible for Sourcegraph’s paid parental leave?
Teammates are eligible if:
- They are working full-time;
- They become parents through child birth, adoption, or placement of a child are eligible for Parental Leave benefits while working for Sourcegraph; and
- They are in good standing (as determined by the Company in our sole discretion)
Note: There is no minimum tenure required to be eligible for Parental Leave. In other words, all teammates are eligible for Parental Leave on day 1.
Planning to go on Parental Leave? Follow the below steps…
Step 1: Notify your Manager & the People Team
Teammates planning to take parental leave should begin discussions with their Manager & the People Team no later than 1 month prior to the expected leave start date.
Please email your Manager to discuss your parental leave date and return-to-work date so that you can both plan for your absence in advance. Once you have notified your Manager and People Partner, you can move on to formally start the process with our leave vendor.
Step 2: Formally kick off leave process
US Teammates: To formally request leave, please login to Tilt though Rippling by selecting the Tilt tile on your homepage. Once in Tilt, select the “new leave button.” A questionnaire will begin and you’ll need to fill out specific information in order for Tilt to begin your leave plan. This information will provide your Leave Case Manager all necessary information to support you through your leave. Information you will need to complete the questionnaire include:
- What type of leave are you requesting?
- When will your leave start?
- Are you taking leave consecutively or intermittently?
- What location (city, state/providence) will you be based during your leave?
- Is your address accurate in BambooHR and Rippling?
- If you are an exempt (salary) or non-exempt (hourly) teammate?
- The number of hours you work per week? No need to adjust or change the pre-populated 40-hours per week.
- Select whether you would like email or text alerts from Tilt
If you’re unsure how to answer any of these questions, feel free to reach out to the people-ops team.
Once you’ve completed the questionnaire, your Leave Case Manager will reach out in 1-2 business days to walk you through your leave plan. This will include any required paperwork for the city, state, federal laws, or company policies.
PEO Teammates: Submit this google form to request your leave. ** **The People Team will work with your PEO to gather information on the leave process and requirements for your specific country and will work with you to prepare for your upcoming parental leave.
Contractor Teammates: Submit this google form to request your leave. One of our People teammates will gather information on the parental leave process and requirements for your specific country and will work with you to prepare for your upcoming parental leave.
Step 3: Pre-leave tasks
- **US Teammates: **Once you’ve communicated your leave dates with Tilt, please keep a close eye on your email for all Tilt notifications and assigned tasks. They will provide guidance on how to prepare for leave, important information while you’re out on leave, and returning from leave. Examples include:
- Set your PTO by using Deel-PTO in Slack (select the Parental Leave category) to record your leave and return-to-work dates. Be sure to ‘Assign your role’ to your Manager.
- Creating an Out of Office Plan
- Non-US Teammate: Once you’ve communicated and confirmed your leave dates with the People Team, please log the exact leave and return-to-work dates using Deel-PTO in Slack (select the Parental Leave category). Be sure to ‘Assign your role’ to your Manager.
Step 4: Take your leave
- All Teammates: While you are out on leave your focus should be on taking care of yourself and family. Please do not feel the need to check work related platforms or complete projects. Your team will use your coverage plan to ensure work continues while you are out.
- If you feel or receive pressure to complete work related tasks, please reach out to
- US Teammates: Tilt will be checking in during your time away to confirm state benefits are filed, approved, and confirm your return to work.
- Non-US teammates: The People Team may be in touch with you from time to time to check in through your personal email address and ensure your return to work plan is on track. Please do your best to respond to the People Team.
Step 5: Prepare to return to work
- US Teammates: Continue to monitor your Tilt notifications/emails and prepare for work. Tilt will reach out to confirm your return 1 week prior to your return.
- IMPORTANT: If your return-to-work date needs to be changed, notify Tilt right away. You will also need to adjust your dates in Deel-PTO in Slack. Any extensions will need to be approved by the People Team and confirmed by your manager.
- Non-US Teammates: The People Team will email you to confirm your return to work 1 week prior to your return. Please respond to with your confirmed return date.
- IMPORTANT: If your return-to-work date needs to be changed, please notify the People Team via email ( as soon as possible. You will also need to adjust your dates in Deel-PTO in Slack. Any extensions will need to be approved by the People Team and confirmed by your manager.
Step 6: Returning from leave
Preparing for your first day back:
- Update availability and systems
- Your Slack status may still be set as OOO – don’t forget to update this to signal to folks that you’re back
- If you set up an auto-response or email forwarding for your email, make sure to update your email settings
- Revisit your calendar availability and make adjustments, if needed
- Check in with your manager
- Your manager will set up a 1:1 for your first day back to check in, provide updates, and discuss priorities.
- Review the Out of Office Plan that you and your manager put together prior to your leave as well as your 1-1 doc to catch up on in-progress projects and priorities.
- Complete the Return to Work Survey that you will receive from the People Team. We appreciate your candid feedback about your leave experience.
Resources for Teammates with a commission plan (Sales & CE)
We want our quota-carrying teammates to feel supported while out on parental leave. This includes Account Executives, Sales Development Representatives, Customer Engineers and Managers. Please contact to confirm if your role qualifies as a quota-based position.
Please note that the intent of this policy is to ensure that quota-carrying individuals are fully supported in taking whatever time they need in order to spend with their family. Therefore, the below guidelines are subject to leadership discretion in order to accommodate each individual’s unique circumstances.
Quota while on leave for Account Executives
For team members taking >2 weeks of leave:
- Quota-carrying teammates will be paid no less than 100% of their OTE during leave months
- Any deals closed during this period will be measured against attainment based on the below criteria
- Should attainment exceed 100% of prorated OTE, rep will be entitled to the full amount of compensation based on attainment, including any applicable multipliers.
- Should attainment not exceed 100% of prorated OTE, Sourcegraph shall provide the remaining funds to the team member.
- Quota Relief While On Parental Leave: Sales Quota will be zero during leave months. This includes New Annual Contract Value (ACV) and New Logo Generation (NLG). Gross Retention Rate (GRR) target will remain unchanged; the annualized variable amount will be prorated based on the number of months on leave.
- GRR Example: A rep with variable pay of $150K takes 12 weeks off. GRR component represents 20% of variable, or $30K. The AE will be guaranteed the prorated amount of variable pay, or $7.5K. At the end of the year, when the rep’s GRR calculation takes place, attainment & payment will be based on the remaining variable compensation ($22.5K)
- New Logo Quota Example: This will be prorated based on the leave period and deducted from the semi-annual targets. Example: The AE takes 12 weeks off in 1H where the new logo quota is 4. This would result in a reduction of quota from 4 to 2 for that period.
- ACV Quota Example: This will be prorated based on the leave period and deducted from the full-year target. Example: Rep takes 11 weeks off, which would result in $317,307.69 off a $1.5M annual quota. Dropping annual quota to $1,182,692.31.
- In addition, for team members taking >50% of leave in one block, Sourcegraph shall provide the team member with a 3-month ramp period of 50% of prorated quota upon return (New Annual Contract Value (ACV) and New Logo Generation (NLG) only) . Quota shall revert to 100% attainment in month 4 of return. The ramp period will begin on the 1st of the month following the teammate’s return.
- New Logo Quota Ramp Example: AE takes 12 weeks in 1H with a New Logo quota of 4. AE would receive zero quota for the period of time on leave and 50% quota for the first three months upon return. Therefore, the quota would be reduced from 4 new logos to 1
- ACV Quota Ramp Example: AE takes 12 weeks off on a $1.2M quota. The AE would receive a reduction in quota of $300K due to the total amount of leave taken, as well as a further reduction in quota of $150K over the ramp period. Therefore, the new annual quota would be $750K
Commission payout scenarios for Account Executives
Applies for any period of parental leave that is >2 weeks. Deal stage is locked at the date of the start of team member’s parental leave, with additional validation by current Pre-Sales Customer Engineer.
For purposes of clarification, the following terms shall be used:
- AE on leave: the individual who is taking parental leave
- Covering AE: the individual assigned to manage the impacted accounts during the parental leave period
- Opportunities: inclusive of both new business opportunities as well as expansion & renewal opportunities
- The Teammate will receive credit and commissions as specified in their existing Commission Plan that occurs prior to the start of the leave. Quota-carrying Teammates receive quota relief for the duration of Paid Leave, which will be prorated based on the actual time on leave within the fiscal year. Accelerators are only applicable over 100% of the standard quota and will not be applied to the reduced quota on parental leave.
For opportunities already in the funnel
Opportunity Definition: This is inclusive of net new business & product cross-sell (for seat expansion opportunities that do not require POC, please see additional guidance below)
*Exceptions: Manager & People partner will work with AE going on leave to evaluate existing territory and determine if the opportunity exceeds $500k threshold (Deal Stage 1-4). If yes, a coverage plan will be put in place, and splits will be determined accordingly.
- Deal stage 1-3: Opportunity will be assigned to Covering AE
- Covering AE will receive 100% attainment & commission credit for successful deal closure
- Deal stage 4: Opportunity will be assigned to Covering AE
- AE on leave to receive 20% attainment credit & commissions for successful deal closure
- Covering AE to receive 80% attainment credit & commissions for successful deal closure
- Deal Stage 5+: Opportunity will be directly managed by the sales manager
- AE on leave to receive 100% attainment credit & commissions for successful deal closure
For opportunities created after the start of parental leave:
Opportunity Definition: This is inclusive of net new business & product cross-sell (for seat expansion opportunities that do not require POC, please see additional guidance below)
- If deal originates & is closed during AE on leave’s parental leave:
- Covering AE will receive 100% credit & commissions
- If a deal originates & is not closed during AE on leave’s parental leave:
- Deal stage 1-3:
- Deal is reassigned back to AE on leave
- AE on leave to receive 60% attainment credit & commissions for successful deal closure
- Covering AE to receive 40% attainment credit & commissions for successful deal closure
- Deal stage 4+:
- Deal remains with covering AE to maximize customer experience
- AE on leave to receive 0% attainment credit & commissions for successful deal closure
- Covering AE to receive 100% attainment credit & commissions for successful deal closure
- Deal stage 1-3:
For expansion opportunities:
Opportunity Definition: This is inclusive of seat expansion opportunities that do not require POC.
- Opportunity will be directly managed by sales manager
- AE on leave to receive 100% attainment credit & commissions for successful deal closure
- Example: Customer SEAT upsells (noted as ‘expansion’ in Salesforce) on user growth occur during leave period, for which the Teammate on leave will receive 100% attainment commission credit.
Account Ownership:
- The Teammate on leave will retain all accounts in their name irrespective of opportunity stage or timing. They will continue to retain those accounts when they return within a given fiscal year period. In rare cases, there may be extenuating circumstances that require mid-year territory changes, these will be in leadership’s discretion and addressed on a case-by-case basis. The opportunity ownership between leave and covering AE will be as referenced in the above guidelines.
- No opportunities are generated or closed in the account while the Teammates is on leave. Teammate will retain the account when they return.
- Teammate on leave has as Stage 1-4 opportunity passed to another AE. The account stays in the leave Teammate’s name while covering AE will own closure of the opportunity. If the opportunity closes while the Teammate is on leave, the above commission structure will be referenced, and the account will continue to stay in the name of the Teammate.
Account Coverage and Opportunity Assignment Process:
- Ownership of opportunities and account coverage will be assigned prior to an AE’s leave as part of the leave plan and will be determined in partnership with the AE’s Manager, Sales-ops, and People Partner.
GRR and Renewals:
- The Account Executive on leave retains direct ownership for renewal up to the leave date. If the renewal is not finalized prior to the leave date, the Manager will be responsible for stewarding the renewal process. The Manager has the discretion to assign the renewal to a covering AE or retain full accountability for the renewal. In both cases, the outcome of the renewal process shall impact the AE on leave’s GRR calculation. For any period of leave <2 weeks, please consult your manager.
Commission payout while on leave for Sales Development Representatives
For team members taking >2 weeks of leave:
- All open leads will be transferred to a covering SDR
- SDR on leave will receive 100% of OTE during leave period
- If a SDR takes more than 50% of leave in one block, upon return, SDR will receive a ramped quota for a period of 3 months based on the following schedule:
- For Inbound SDRs: Monthly SAO target of 5 for full months 1-3 of return
- For Outbound SDRs: Monthly SAO target of 3 for full months 1-3 of return
For any period of leave <2 weeks, our regular policies will apply.
Commission payout while on leave for Customer Engineers
For team members taking leave >2 weeks:
- All open accounts will be transferred to a covering CE
- CE on leave will receive the following considerations:
- For IARR performance, the CE shall receive either compensation based on territory performance or 100% of pro-rata earnings associated with this measure, whichever is higher
- For MBO performance, the CE shall receive 100% of pro-rata earnings
- Upon return, the CE commission structure shall be as follows:
- For IARR performance, CE attainment shall revert to their current plan (territory-based attainment)
- For MBO performance, CE attainment shall revert to their current plan. The CE will also receive a 3-month guarantee of 75% of pro-rata earnings. The CE will then receive either the guarantee or their actual earnings, whichever is higher
For any period of leave <2 weeks, our regular policies will apply.
Commission payout while on leave for Sales, SDR and CE Managers
For team members taking >2 weeks of leave
- Quota-carrying managers will be paid no less than 100% of their OTE during leave months
- Should team attainment exceed 100% of prorated OTE, manager will be entitled to the full amount of compensation based on attainment, including any applicable multipliers
- Should attainment not exceed 100% of prorated OTE, Sourcegraph shall provide the remaining funds to the team member; however these excess funds shall not qualify for quota relief
Helpful resources
- Family planning resources:
- We value and support teammates at all stages of life. We ensure that all teammates are afforded at least 16 weeks of paid parental leave for the birth, adoption or placement of a child (Sourcegraph will bridge any gap of unpaid parental leave, so coverage details vary by location), and a reimbursement of up to $25,000 USD for family planning services (including but not limited to adoption, IVF, egg/sperm freezing, surrogacy, fertility hormone testing). Please submit any family planning related receipts directly into Airbase, just as you would for any other reimbursement. Receipts for any expense over $25 are required.
Returning from parental leave
Preparing for your first day back:
- Step 1: Confirm your return-to-work date
- 2 weeks leading up to your return-to-work date, send an email to to confirm your return-to-work date. If you are a US teammate, please make sure the Sparrow team is included on the email thread.
- Once your return-to-work date is confirmed, People Ops will confirm your return date with your manager to prepare for your return!
- If your return-to-work date needs to be updated, please notify People Ops via email as soon as possible. If you are a US teammate, please make sure the Sparrow team is included on the email thread. Any extensions will need to be approved by your manager and confirmed by the People Team.
- Step 2: Update availability and systems
- Your Slack status may still be set as OOO – don’t forget to update this to signal to folks that you’re back!
- If you set up an auto-response or email forwarding for your email, make sure to update your email settings.
- Revisit your calendar availability and make adjustments, if needed.
- Step 3: Check in with your manager
- Set up a 1-1 with your manager for your first day back to check in
- Review the Out of Office Plan you and your manager put together prior to your leave as well as your 1-1 doc to catch up on in-progress projects and priorities.
FAQ for all Teammates (regardless of location)
Q: Can I work part-time during my parental leave and therby extend it longer than 16-weeks?
A: This is typically not accommodated. In rare cases, an exception will be made with manager/HR/executive approval. Exceptions will only be made when there is a business need. Teammate preference is not a business justification for an exception.
Q: Can I extend my parental leave past 16 weeks?
A: You may request to extend your leave beyond 16 weeks, though any additional time off will be unpaid and must be approved by your manager and the People Team. If you plan to extend your leave past 16 weeks, please make sure you 1) notify the People Team at of your request for additional time off and, if approved, 2) update your return-to-work date and out-of-office plan, if need be.
- Please note:
- Sourcegraph’s Paid Parental Leave policy is intended to ensure you receive full pay for at least 16 weeks following a qualifying birth event. However, some country-mandated parental leave laws may give eligible parents the right to take leave for longer than 16 weeks, potentially on a reduced pay or unpaid basis. If you are eligible for statutory leave that is longer than 16 weeks, we will work with you to clarify how our Paid Parental Leave policy works in conjunction with your statutory parental leave. Just so there’s no confusion: this Paid Parental Leave policy will not limit your rights to take your full statutory parental leave.
- For any requests regarding extended leave due to medical reasons or statutory requirements, either prior to the birth-date or after the end of the paid parental period, please contact the People Team at
Q: I just joined recently. Am I eligible for parental leave even though I haven’t been here for a year?
A: Yes! We do not have a waiting period for Paid Parental Leave.
Q: What happens to my promotion eligibility?
A: Time taken on parental leave will not be factored into (e.g. not counted toward, nor negatively impact) internal mobility and/or promotion eligibility. Upon return from leave, promotion eligibility will resume; there is not a restart on the timeline. Please work with your Manager and People Partner to align on expectations and timeline based on your role and segment.
Q: Does the same Paid Parental Leave policy apply to me if I’m a non-birthing caregiver?
A: Yes! The same Paid Parental Leave policy and benefits apply to every teammate regardless of whether they are a birthing or non-birthing caregiver.
Q: If both parents work at Sourcegraph, can they each qualify for parental leave?
A: Each parent is individually eligible for paid parental leave. The leave can be used by both parents either concurrently or non-concurrently.
Q: What if my parental leave start date or return-to-work date changes?
A: Please notify the People Team at with your updated leave start date or return-to-work-date as soon as possible, and we will guide you on who else you need to inform depending on your location and employment status (PEO or Contractor), and whether approval is required.
If I adopt or foster more than one child in a year (12 months) can I take multiple parental leaves?
A: Yes, however you are allowed a total of 16 weeeks per 12 months of parental leave - no matter the number of adoptions or foster-placements. You will need to choose how to distribute those weeks between adoption or foster-placecment events.
FAQ for US-based Teammates
Q: What if I have questions about benefits such as PFL or FMLA, who should I reach out to? (this only applies to US Employees)
A: If the teammate is eligible for time off under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) or any other applicable leave law in their jurisdiction, time off under this policy will run concurrent with that statutory leave. In addition, more robust medical certification forms may apply for FMLA and other statutory leaves. Your Tilt Leave Case Manager will walk you through this.
Q: Do I need to qualify for FMLA to have parental leave?
A: You do not need to qualify/be eligible for FMLA to take parental leave. However, if the teammate is eligible for FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act), it will run concurrently with both statutory and Sourcegraph Paid Parental leave.
Q: What if I exhausted my FMLA with a Medical Leave in the last 12 months?
A: You are still eligible to take parental leave for the birth or adoption of a child, as long as you have not exhausted the 16 weeks of parental leave in the last 12 months.
Q: When should I add my child to my insurance? (this only applies to US Employees)
A: You will need to add your child within the first 30 days of their adoption date or birth date
Q: How do I add my child to my insurance? (this only applies to US Employees)
A: Use Rippling to trigger a Qualifying Life Event
- Log into Rippling
- Click on the heart-shaped icon on the dashboard on the left
- Click “Insurance & Benefits”
- Select “Insurance” from the drop down menu
- Click “update my benefits”
- Select your Qualifying Life Event from the drop down menu
Q: Can I change my health plans at the time of my child’s adoption or birth? (this only applies to US employees)
A: Yes, when you trigger the Qualifying Life Event in Rippling you will have the option to select new insurance plans. You have 30 days from the birth date or adoption date to make your elections.
Q: If I have questions about benefits such as PFL or FMLA, who should I reach out to? (this only applies to US Employees)
A: Your Sparrow contact will be the best point of contact for any national or state specific benefit questions.
Q: What happens to withholdings from my paychecks while I’m on leave?
A: Medical benefit (including health, dental, vision, and life insurance) premiums will be paid by the Company while you’re on leave. Voluntary contributions (such as 401k, FSA, or HSA) will continue to be deducted from your paid leave benefit as if you were receiving your regular paychecks unless you adjust your withholdings in Rippling and Human Interest.
FAQ for non-US-based Teammates
Q: What if my country of residence has statutory parental leave that differs from Sourcegraph’s Paid Parental Leave policy? Which do I follow? (International teammates only)
A: International teammates are entitled to take any statutorily-provided parental leave for which they are eligible. We recognize that as a global company we need to account for variances in country-specific statutory parental leave. Our goal is to ensure, irrespective of the country-specific statutory policy, that all Sourcegraph teammates have at least 16 weeks of paid parental leave after a qualifying birth event. Some countries may provide maternity-/birthing parent-specific leaves that begin prior to the birthdate of the child, or may entitle individuals to take a period of leave after the qualifying birth event that is longer than 16 weeks. The focus of our Paid Parental Leave policy is to ensure that all teammates are enabled to take fully-paid time off after a qualifying birth event, irrespective of parental role or gender, to focus on their new family dynamic.
Example 1: If the country of residence provides 6 weeks of maternity leave prior to the birthdate and also provides the option of 8 weeks of fully-paid parental leave after the birthdate, Sourcegraph will provide the teammate with 8 additional weeks of fully-paid parental leave after the birthdate to bring the total to 16 weeks. The 6 weeks of paid leave that are available only to the birthing parent before the child’s birth are not factored into paid parental leave eligibility or calculation under this policy. This general guidance may not account for all nuances within the context of the statutory requirements of the teammate’s specific country. Please reach out to your People Partner for additional guidance.
Example 2: if the country of residence provides 52 weeks of unpaid parental leave to both birthing and non-birthing parents, Sourcegraph will ensure that at least 16 weeks of the leave the teammate chooses to take are fully-paid. The teammate would still be entitled to take the remainder of any statutory parental leave for which they are eligible, but time taken in addition to 16 weeks would be unpaid.
Q: Do I need to submit invoices while I’m on leave? (International teammates only)
A: Yes, you will need to submit invoices for any paid portion of your leave. You are welcome to submit these ahead of time.
Q: Where can I find additional information on parental leave benefits for my specific country? (International teammates only)
A: This is dependent on whether you are employed via a PEO or engaged as a Contractor. Depending on the type of working relationship, there may be variances to how specific statutory parental leave benefits are accounted for.
If you are employed through Deel:
- Deel’s global hiring guide provides details for all country specific employment requirements and regulations.
- Contact: for any additional information or clarification of your country specific policy. Please Cc on your support request.
If you are employed through
- Remote’s country explorer provides details for all country specific employment requirements and regulations.
- Contact: for any additional information or clarification of your country specific policy. Please Cc on your support request.
If you are engaged as an International Contractor:
- Each country has varying requirements that dictate eligibility for statutory parental benefits. This is dependent on the working relationship type including, independent contractors and those who are self-employed. Given the varying country specific regulations, please contact to receive guidance regarding statutory requirements you are eligible for and how Sourcegraph will cover any variances in total applicable paid leave to ensure you are getting the full 16 weeks of paid parental leave.
I’m experiencing a miscarriage, does Sourcegraph have resources for me?
A: Teammate: Please notify either your Manager or People Partner, whoever you’re most comfortable sharing the news with. We understand losing a child is a devastating loss whether it’s early term or late term. Each person and family will handle the event differently. Our role as a company is to provide as much support as we’re able and ensure the teammate has time to emotionally, and physically heal from the event. Our partnership with Maven provides free resources and support for those experiencing a miscarriage. Maven also has mental health specialists that can be seen to help teammates cope as well.
Manager: Connect with your People Partner for additional assistance and guidance. Outside of connecting with your People Partner, you have two main responsibilities. 1) understanding how we can support the teammate whether it’s through PTO or a Medical Leave of Absence 2) Ask the teammate IF and how they would like the news shared with the team. People Partner: The People Partner’s role is to support both the manager and teammate. They are here to support you with company benefits, perks, and any communication support desired. You can find the full internal People process here.
Resources for managers
Before the leave happens
Steps to follow once informed of a leave:
Step 1: Slack teammate to congratulate them!
- This is an exciting, yet sometimes vulnerable time, for new parents. Please show your support by reaching out to your direct report to congratulate them and ask how you can support them?
- Make sure they’re aware of all the ways in which we provide support
- Understand if their pregnancy/adoption/fostering is confidential
Step 2: Ensure the People Team is notified
- To make sure your teammate gets all the support they need, please remind them to notify the People Team of their upcoming parental leave (if they haven’t already) so that they can follow up with next steps and support them through their leave process!
Step 3: Arrange out of office coverage
- Ask the teammate to start working on their Out of Office Plan
- If you need a temporary worker, please reach out to the Talent team ( or @talent in Slack.
During leave
- Keep a running list in your 1:1 agenda of any significant updates to cover when your direct report is back from leave.
Returning to work
Schedule a check-in with your direct report on their first day back
Personal check-in
- How are you doing/feeling?
- How can I best support you during your transition back?
- Slack Channels for support
- Additional resources
Professional check-in
- Review their Out of Office Plan and 1-1 doc to catch them up to speed.
- Discuss their availability throughout the day as they return to work.
Make yourself available during their first week back
- Schedule additional 1-1s or office hours for your direct report to be able to easily reach out to you for help or support as they transition back into work.
- Recognize that returning teammates may need additional support as they transition back. Work with your returning teammate to provide reasonable support beyond the first week as they ramp back up.